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You Can’t Build Success on a Rocky Foundation: Things to Consider During Onboarding

Written by Weber Logistics | Thu, Sep 10, 2015 @ 03:30 PM

Any good relationship requires a solid foundation to build upon. In order to establish a solid foundation you need trust, respect and commitment. This same foundation is necessary when partnering with a new third party logistics company. Although each person has their own way of doing things in a relationship, both individuals must trust the other has their best interest in hand. The same principal applies with the client – provider supply chain relationship.

As the onboarding process begins, clients should be open to accepting the standard operating procedures (SOP’s) of their new logistics partner. At Weber we have found may clients want to replicate the systems and procedures they were previously utilizing. If you bring your same routine to your new 3PL partner, you will experience the same results and will NOT maximize efficiencies. Leaving old systems and procedures behind are crucial steps to establish the foundation for success in the short term and long term.

Here are benefits from transitioning to your 3PLs new SOP’s during onboarding, especially at Weber:

  • New perspective – It is said, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Sometimes people can get caught up in what they think is “beautiful”. Perhaps your systems and operation seemed perfect to you before, but it’s time for another look. Your new 3PL can offer a fresh look into your business and offer new solutions that can give you better results.
  • Experience – Some 3PL’s have more experience than others. Look for someone who knows the industry and has successfully worked with a business that resembles yours. Weber has been in the game for over 80 years with experience in a variety of industries and the know how to get the job done.
  • Advanced Technology – It is safe to say your new 3PL selection was impacted by the level of technological capabilities. It would be a shame not to utilize all the functionalities available to you. New technology might look like a headache, but it will make your supply chain process much more effective and efficient in the long run. Weber has sophisticated WMS / Logistics software that will allow your every logistic need to be properly handled. The software collects the data and makes it available for detailed trend analysis.   This can provide crucial data for account reviews and build even better logistics solution going forward.

Starting up with your 3PL’s SOP’s can reduce anxiety and stress during the transition for both sides. Your provider’s associates can do what they know best while you experience the benefits. Trusting your new supply chain partner and adopting procedures from the onboarding process will make the relationship easier on everyone and result in greater profitability.  

Weber Logistics has been offering 3PL services for nearly a century.  If you are ready to set a solid foundation and look for new partner, contact us to learn more about our approach.  We will enhance your distribution network with a proven service that our customers have come to rely on.  Contact us at 855- GO-WEBER (469-3237).