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Our warehouse technology platforms allow:



  • Real-time visibility and processing of all warehouse functions
  • Completely RF-driven warehouse functions throughout all activities (paperless)
  • Ability to manage lot numbers and expiration dates for stock rotation
  • Custom business rules to manage and monitor potential supply chain issues that could cause delays, detention or chargebacks
  • Pick Fronts for high velocity items and/or eCommerce each pick and pack operations
  • Ability to perform kitting functions (assembling multiple SKUs into a single item), either before allocation or during the picking process
  • Interleaving of putaway and picking processes to minimize travel times
  • Flexible storage locations, sizes, and types (bulk, rack, shelving, etc.)
  • Customizable product rotation methods (by lot, receiving date, manufacture date, expiration date, etc.)
  • Customizable product allocation methods (days before expire, minimum shelf life, etc.)
  • Customizable automatic status changes (e.g., high thru when 60, donate at 30, hold at 0, days before expire)
  • Retailer compliance for ASNs, UCC case or pallet labeling, custom packing lists
  • Hundreds of reports available with ability to customize or create new ones as needed