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You need to get across town fast.

With no car, your choices are public transport or a cab.

Of course you want to take a cab.  But the wallet’s a little thin, so maybe a bus is the way to go.

But hold on.  What if you could share an air-conditioned cab ride with a few others who are also headed across town, and pay the same as the cost of a bus ride?

Welcome to refrigerated pool distribution: direct car service for a mass transit price.

refrigerated pool distribution

Pool distribution is not just for moving dry freight.  Shippers who use refrigerated trucking services can leverage a pool strategy to drive down costs and ship times.  But the strategy has not caught on in a big way and shippers continue to rely heavily on national LTL carriers for cold chain requirements. 

Read the Free Weber eBook,  Pool Distribution for Temp-Controlled Products

For these shippers, all pool point distribution does is consolidate freight with other users of reefer trucking to deliver small volumes across the U.S. using more economical truckload shipments.  These shipments go direct to key markets, with no stops.

From there, pool distributors take over for final-mile delivery.  But the longest leg of your journey is handled at a much lower cost, and delivery is much faster using a truckload carrier that specializes in refrigerated trucking. 

Benefits of Pool Distribution for Temperature-Controlled Freight

  • Cut freight costs 8% to 10%.
  • Speed delivery times up to 4 days.
  • Meet retailer RAD dates.
  • Ease your administrative burden.
  • Reduce carbon emissions.

Of course, you’ll need the right partner to make it happen – a 3PL that can link you with other shippers of temp-controlled freight and that has the systems to make it all work. 

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