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Port_of_LA_Pier 300_400 Container Terminals

West Coast and California Logistics Blog

Benefits of 3PL Services in the Overweight Corridor

Thu, Sep 01, 2016 @ 04:19 PM / by Robert Deiro

In society today, there is a large focus on weight. For many, the temptation of a pink box in the office can be cringing if you are trying to watch the pounds.  Luckily in the logistics world it can be a good thing to be heavy – when it comes to containers. Although overweight containers are not allowed to travel across town, they have a home in the overweight corridor. A distribution plan that includes heavy containers and the overweight corridor can equal great savings.


Here are a few ways utilizing warehousing or transload services in the overweight corridor will ultimately give you the advantage.

Benefits of  3PL Services in the Overweight Corridor

  • Faster access to inventory – Port drivers are becoming harder and harder to come by. Cutting the travel time from the port to your distribution center will save the drivers time and allow them to deliver more inventory than before
  • Lower drayage costs – With a shorter drive comes lower rates for drayage. If you decide to even transload your product at a port facility, you will reduce chassis fees by multiple days at a time due to less travel and container turnaround time.
  • Maximize container weight – shippers can now maximize their container weight up to 10% and sometimes more. Since fees are driven by container and not weight, this can be significant savings for shippers. This gives you more bang for your buck.

Weber has created a port-centric strategy to provide economies of scales to our clients. Weber's Carson facility, in the overweight corridor, allows clients to not only save on the cost of shipping, but improve delivery. To bring an additional advantage to this strategy from the drayage perspective, Weber has assigned drivers and assets to the port. We've created more flexibility and cost control for our clients. More savings equals greater profits for everyone involved.

Contact us today to learn more about services in the overweight corridor and how a custom solution can solve your distribution needs.

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Topics: 3PL, Transportation Strategies, overweight

Written by Robert Deiro

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