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April 21, 2016

As the saga of the 3PL selection process comes to an end and a contract is signed, one must prepare for what comes next. A new journey with your 3PL is now beginning; a journey called the onboarding process.

The onboarding process shows a great deal about the 3PL partner you selected. At this time the truth comes out; maybe you received amazing rates, but now experience a lack of service and attention. Maybe you paid well above market price, but the service is impeccable. Regardless, you want to know what you are getting into, good or bad. A company’s onboarding process will ultimately say a great deal of how it operates in the long run and will set the tone for the relationship.

It can be difficult to determine how your onboarding will runweberSurvey-1.png while in the selection phase. Therefore, to help you analyze the partnership after the signed agreement, here are a few topics you want to discuss during the selection process to get the full picture. 

Experienced Staff: Do you know who will be the individual or team guiding you through the onboarding process? Hopefully it is someone who knows the ins and outs of the company and operations. Having access to key staff members is critical for a successful supply chain partnership. At Weber, our onboarding process is top of the class lead by a Weber veteran with 10+ years of experience.

Visibility: Visibility in today’s world is critical to a company’s success especially in the world of logistics. The onboarding process should take you through all available technology. You also want to know what reports are available to ensure full visibility of your products. At Weber we value our customers’ needs and aim for technology that can serve them all. We have high standards of technology for our clients. Our TMS and WMS systems allow real time tracking and visibility that is critical to our customers.

Future Reviews: A successful partner will set up a review plan with you to ensure success as you move forward together. Depending on the specific needs of accounts, some may occur more often than others. Make sure a plan is set for you, for example, semiannual or quarterly reviews. These reviews should then not only focus on current work and data recap, but should always be planning for future growth. Growing together is the key for a successful partnership and a part of moving out of the “another vendor” bucket.

Contact us today if you are looking for a new 3PL partner and want to learn more about Weber Logistics service offerings.