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August 8, 2024
7 Essential Logistics Metrics: Key Performance Indicator (KPIs)
Your customers are more data-driven than ever, and your success or failure in the eyes of those customers is partly determined through logistics metrics that measure your performance. It is therefore...
January 21, 2021
Why a mid-size 3PL provider may serve you better than a huge one
If you’re looking for a 3PL provider, you may begin to feel a bit like Goldilocks. You’ll encounter providers that feel “too big” and many that feel “too small” to handle your business effectively....
July 17, 2017
Why Grading a Potential 3PL Partner is Like Grading a Restaurant
Do you ever feel like breaking out of the everyday routine and trying a new dinner spot? Well before hopping in the car and driving aimlessly, try turning to the internet to find suggestions and...
April 21, 2016
What to Expect After the 3PL Selection Process
As the saga of the 3PL selection process comes to an end and a contract is signed, one must prepare for what comes next. A new journey with your 3PL is now beginning; a journey called the onboarding...
March 4, 2016
Establishing a Relationship with Your 3PL Provider: 5 Points to Communicate
With costs consistently rising, a 3PL partnership should be defined by more than just the cost of storing and shipping a pallet. For example, how much value does this 3PL bring? Do you even have a...
September 10, 2015
You Can’t Build Success on a Rocky Foundation: Things to Consider During Onboarding
Any good relationship requires a solid foundation to build upon. In order to establish a solid foundation you need trust, respect and commitment. This same foundation is necessary when partnering...
June 18, 2015
Is the Honeymoon Over with your Current 3PL?
Many will say there is no better part of a relationship than the honeymoon phase. Both parties are always there for one another, care extremely about their partner and will do anything and everything...
June 11, 2014
Logistics Customer Service - The Shift From Paying to End Customer
What is logistics customer service? Well, traditionally it has meant logistics companies focused on providing great service to their paying customers. But lately 3PL providers are taking a vested...