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February 14, 2019
Warehouse Labor Management Considerations During a Strong Economy
A strong economy means good times for business, right? Generally speaking, the answer is yes, but there are some nasty side effects of economic strength. In the logistics industry, one of these side...
January 6, 2017
A Spotlight on KPI Metrics: On-Time Shipping
Holding your 3PL accountable to deliver on the service promise can be difficult.  However, a key component of that is monitoring key performance indicators (KPI’s).
August 23, 2016
The Key to Upholding Quality in an Operation: Internal Audit Programs
Does your warehouse or 3PL provider have an internal audit program in place? It is critical for all operations follow standard operating procedures (SOP’s) – that’s how you get to the quality we need...
April 21, 2016
What to Expect After the 3PL Selection Process
As the saga of the 3PL selection process comes to an end and a contract is signed, one must prepare for what comes next. A new journey with your 3PL is now beginning; a journey called the onboarding...