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April 16, 2015

“I want it and I want it now!” the mantra of consumers. Companies are doing everything they can to compete with one another in order turnaround time.

Amazon was one of the first to enter this realm with Prime 2 day shipping. Many big box retailers have jumped in the game of quick turnaround time for orders. They allow consumers the opportunity to order online and deliver to home or to store for pick up in days or even hours.

One week delivery simply does not cut it anymore. Partnering with a 3PL can help you deliver your product the quickest way possible. 

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3PLs have a WMS (Warehouse Management System) in place to accurately track inventory in all stages of the fulfillment process. The warehouse staff utilizes this system to prepare the product in the most efficient way possible.

By working with a 3PL, you do not have to go through the hassle of setting up deliveries with stores or finding labor to prepare your customer’s order. Once your product is prepared for delivery, 3PLs who utilize a TMS (Transportation Management System) can allow you and your customers to track your package in route at all times.

For Example:

Jan places an order from a retailer (John’s Supply) for a pair of headphones by Rock Ear. Rock Ear uses Weber Logistics as a 3PL partner and stores their product in Weber’s warehouse. Jan’s order is placed in John’s Supply system, which in turn gets sent over to Rock Ear for distribution.

Rock Ear electronically sends the order to Weber for shipment. Weber’s WMS receives the order and directs a Weber employee to the item location in the warehouse. The Weber employee picks and packs the headphones for Jan. Jan’s package is loaded onto a Weber truck with other orders destined for Johns Supply.

Weber’s TMS notifies Rock Ear that Jan’s package is on route to John’s Supply. Once Weber’s truck arrives at John’s Supply, the product is unloaded. Jan is then notified her order is ready for pickup. Jan is happy!

The example above can take place in a matter of days or even hours. The efficiencies of a 3PL will ultimately allow you to deliver your best product to your customer in the quickest way.

To learn more about Weber and how we can shorter your order turnaround time download our Consumer

Products EBook. 

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