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December 21, 2018

We’re coming to the end of 2018 and preparing for 2019 – and you know what that means: year-end “best of” lists.  And, while our list may not be as entertaining as the “top 10 movies of 2018” rankings you’ll see in your social media feeds, we hope that you find it valuable.  Here, we present the three Weber Logistics blog posts that were most popular among our readers in 2018.

Weber Logistics’ most popular 2018 blog posts

eCommerce Fulfillment Services: Thinking Outside the (Amazon) Box

pick-pack-3-1015x500-1If you’re selling online, we all know that Amazon is where you need your products to be.  Even better than simply selling on Amazon, however, is being a Prime seller on Amazon.  To become a Prime seller, many companies still think that you need to have your products stored and your orders fulfilled by Amazon through its Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) program.  But you don’t.  By partnering with a 3PL for Amazon fulfillment, you can still enjoy Prime designation and a host of other benefits. 

3PL Onboarding and Retail Compliance Requirements

Speaking of 3PL partnerships, there are many articles out there about the advantages of partnering with a third-party logistics (3PL) provider to handle your supply chain operations.  Far fewer are the number of articles telling you exactly what to expect once you enter that partnership.  In this article, we seek to change that by giving you a glimpse into a crucial part of your relationship with your 3PL: the onboarding process. 

Retail Suppliers: Why Supply Chain Metrics are Critical to Retaining Your Business

If you’re a retail supplier, metrics are vital to your business’s success.  Why?  Because retailers are using metrics to evaluate your performance.  It’s crucial then that you develop a solid understanding of the metrics that you are being judged on so that you can effectively evaluate yourself and adjust as needed – before your retailer does it for you. 

Happy Holidays

So, there you have it – our top 3 posts from 2018.  We’ll be back with a new year of new content in our West Coast and California Logistics Blog.  In the meantime, happy holidays to you and yours!

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