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West Coast and California Logistics Blog

Gary Kendle

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The Advantages of Integrated Logistics Providers for Transportation

Jul 9, 2024 / by Gary Kendle posted in Transportation Strategies, integrated 3PL services


When you partner with an integrated logistics provider, you're entrusting each leg of your distribution cycle to a single 3PL company. This approach can lead to greater efficiency and improved operational success compared to sourcing services à la carte. In this article, we explore the benefits of partnering with such a provider, with an emphasis on transportation operations.

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The Guide to Choosing a Temperature-Controlled Transportation Provider

Apr 30, 2024 / by Gary Kendle posted in Cold Chain Managment, Refrigerated Trucking, Temperature Controlled Warehousing, Food Logistics, Confectionery Logistics, chemical trucking, food and beverage


In the intricate world of temperature-controlled trucking, selecting the right provider is the key to ensuring the safety and quality of your products during transit. In this article, we cover 5 critical items to consider when choosing transportation providers for your temperature-sensitive logistics needs.

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A Guide to Safe Chemical Trucking

Apr 18, 2024 / by Gary Kendle posted in Chemical Logistics, chemical trucking


Hazardous materials barreling down the highway in an 80,000-pound tractor trailer – what can go wrong?

Unfortunately, a lot can.

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5 advantages of partnering with a regional truckload services provider

Jan 31, 2024 / by Gary Kendle posted in Transportation Strategies, Refrigerated Trucking, Regional Logistics


When you’re shipping freight within a region of the US, you have options for the type of carrier you partner with. You can work with one of the large long-haul carriers that operate nationwide. Or you can work with a regional carrier that specializes in your chosen region. In this article, we’ll examine regional truckload services and the many advantages you can gain by working with a regional carrier.

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Understanding the potential disruption with East Coast imports

Nov 21, 2023 / by Gary Kendle posted in Southern California Ports, West Coast Distribution, Port Logistics, Transportation Strategies, Drayage


As the negotiations between the West Coast ports and longshoremen dragged on in 2022 and 2023, some companies began redirecting import freight into the East Coast. Since then, however, the ink has been dry for quite a while on a new multi-year West Coast port contract, and there are now negotiations on the East Coast that are causing trepidation among importers. In this article, we’ll look at potential ramifications for East Coast imports and tell you what you can do to avoid disruption to your supply chain.

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West Coast Port Labor Contract Brings Renewed Optimism

Jun 29, 2023 / by Gary Kendle posted in Southern California Ports, West Coast Distribution, Port Logistics


After 13 long months of talks and negotiations, there is finally a new West Coast port labor contract. Logisticians far and wide have been able to breathe a sigh of relief as one of their most significant supply chain hurdles is removed.

So, what’s next?

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Looking to reduce drayage fees? Here's how

Apr 20, 2023 / by Gary Kendle posted in Drayage


Over the years, port drayage has become increasingly complicated. In the “good old days”, the trucker arrived at terminal gates, quickly found the right container mounted on a steamship line supplied chassis, checked out, and was on the way with few delays. Fast forward to today, where the number of moving parts to haul a container has increased exponentially. The number of critical stakeholders has also increased. What has followed is a sharp increase in the number of fees. In this article, we review drayage fees and four key ways that you can reduce them.

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Agile supply chain solutions: 5 3PL characteristics to look for

Jan 5, 2023 / by Gary Kendle posted in 3PL Outsourcing, Agile 3PL


Volatile supply chains demand agile supply chain solutions, whereby your logistics operations adapt to market changes as they happen. 3PLs can be key enablers of more agile, resilient distribution operations. In this article, we’ve identified 5 traits that help set truly agile 3PLs apart from the competition.

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