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West Coast and California Logistics Blog

Benefits of an Upgraded Transportation Management System

Sep 17, 2015 / by Weber Logistics posted in Transportation Strategies, Logistics Technology, Refrigerated Trucking, LTL


Our society today is all about upgrading to the next big thing. We wait in line for hours and hours to get a hold of the newest gadgets. Why? Because, they are usually smarter, better, faster and stronger. Who doesn’t want that, right? Well, a new upgraded transportation management system (TMS) has made Weber’s transportation services smarter, better, faster and stronger. We are excited about its functionality and the capabilities it brings to our team.

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Cold Chain Distribution: Check out this 2-Minute Video

Dec 30, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Logistics Technology, Cold Chain Managment, Refrigerated Trucking



Do you manage distribution for temperature-controlled products?

If so, you know that expiration date management and product integrity are constant worries. Choosing an experienced partner for cold chain warehousing and transportation is critical.

Check out this 2-minute video from Weber Logistics on cold chain logistics management. 

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Save with Refrigerated Pool Distribution

Dec 17, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Refrigerated Trucking, Temperature Controlled Warehousing, Pool Distribution

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You need to get across town fast.

With no car, your choices are public transport or a cab.

Of course you want to take a cab.  But the wallet’s a little thin, so maybe a bus is the way to go.

But hold on.  What if you could share an air-conditioned cab ride with a few others who are also headed across town, and pay the same as the cost of a bus ride?

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Benefits of Pool Distribution for Refrigerated LTL

Sep 17, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Refrigerated Trucking, LTL, Pool Distribution


Companies with temperature-sensitive freight that don’t have the volume to ship direct, full truckloads must rely on a limited number of refrigerated LTL carriers.  Because demand exceeds freight capacity, particularly in the chilled and frozen category, freight costs are high. 

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Choosing the Right 3PL for Cold Chain Logistics and Food Distribution

Aug 14, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Food Supply Chain, Refrigerated Trucking, Temperature Controlled Warehousing

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You know the perils of cold chain logistics and food distribution. Let your guard down, and a pallet of chocolate turns into a gooey mess, or you get stuck with racks full of canned goods nearing their sell-by date.

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Controlling Costs for Refrigerated Trucking

Apr 22, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Transportation Strategies, Refrigerated Trucking, LTL


Why, with so many manufacturers of food and temperature-sensitive products, are there so few temperature-controlled carriers?  And it’s not just food manufacturers that require refrigerated trucking services, other industries like pharmaceuticals face an equally challenging task to get their product to market and still sustain a reasonable profit margin.

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Protecting Cold Chain Product Integrity? Prove it!

Sep 5, 2013 / by Weber Logistics posted in Warehouse operations, Cold Chain Managment, Refrigerated Trucking

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As a provider of refrigerated trucking services, one of the questions we are often asked is: “How can you demonstrate that products are being maintained at the required temperature range?”

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It’s Hot Out There! The Importance of Cold Chain Management

Jul 17, 2013 / by Weber Logistics posted in Food Supply Chain, Cold Chain Managment, Refrigerated Trucking

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With many decades of experience in cold chain management for food industry customers in the Western U.S., Weber Logistics pays a lot of attention to the weather.  And it’s hard not to notice these days – it’s HOT out there!

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