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West Coast and California Logistics Blog

Finding the Optimal California Warehouse Space for Your Products

Oct 25, 2018 / by Weber Logistics posted in Southern California Ports, West Coast Distribution, San Diego Warehouse, Inland Empire Warehouse, Regional Logistics, Northern California 3PL, Distribution Center, Warehouse


California.  A very big state with a very big population.  In fact, it’s the largest consumer market in the U.S. and thus a very sensible place to have a distribution center.  Making California even more sensible, from a distribution perspective, is the fact that most of the Pan-Pacific freight arrives via its ports.  For many companies, these combined facts make logistics strategy simple: place a DC in California close to the arriving port and the West Coast distribution riddle is solved.

Looking a bit closer, however, we can see that West Coast distribution isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.  In this article, we’ll take a closer look at choosing the right California warehouse space for your company and the impact it has on your port-to-market speed.

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Mexico Logistics: Manufacturing in Mexico, Distribution in the U.S.

Nov 2, 2017 / by Robert Deiro posted in San Diego Warehouse


For many companies, Mexico has long been an ideal manufacturing location due to lower costs and close proximity to American consumers.  What has often been less than ideal, however, is the distribution of those finished goods after they leave the plant.  Mexico logistics is often fraught with hurdles such as border uncertainties, inadequate warehouse capacity, and security concerns.  To overcome these hurdles, many companies are enjoying the best of both worlds: manufacturing in Mexico and shipping finished goods to a U.S. logistics facility for distribution. 

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Benefits of a Border Distribution Center

Jul 16, 2015 / by Weber Logistics posted in West Coast Distribution, Third Party Logistics, San Diego Warehouse


Selecting a location to manufacture and set up distribution is different for all companies. Mexico is re-emerging as a leading location for manufactures due to increasing labor and fuel costs in China and Mexico’s accessibility into the United States. Many companies especially those in the automotive and aerospace industries are taking advantage of the situation manufacturing in Mexico and setting up distribution in the United States along the Mexico border.

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Manufacturing and Distribution Align Along the Border

Jul 17, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in West Coast Distribution, west coast warehouses, San Diego Warehouse


For years China has been the country of choice for companies looking to establish lower-cost manufacturing operations overseas.  Today, the same firms are looking to move their manufacturing out of China. Why? Well, China is experiencing higher labor costs, high fuel prices, and an overall increase in transportation costs to get goods to the final consumer. These factors have led many companies to seek alternate manufacturing sites closer to home. 

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