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West Coast and California Logistics Blog

Choosing the Right 3PL for Cold Chain Logistics and Food Distribution

Aug 14, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Food Supply Chain, Refrigerated Trucking, Temperature Controlled Warehousing

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You know the perils of cold chain logistics and food distribution. Let your guard down, and a pallet of chocolate turns into a gooey mess, or you get stuck with racks full of canned goods nearing their sell-by date.

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The Logistics of Cold Chain Management

May 14, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Food Supply Chain, Cold Chain Managment, Temperature Controlled Warehousing


In two words: control and organization.  Cold chain management in the supply chain typically focuses on groceries, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, as well as some high tech products.  Each of the products under these umbrellas requires a constant temperature control to ensure the safe production and delivery to their final destination.

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Organic Food Storage: Key Considerations

May 7, 2014 / by Weber Logistics posted in Food Supply Chain, Temperature Controlled Warehousing, Food Logistics


 The definition of “organic:” of, relating to, or derived from living matter. "Organic soils"

Sounds healthy, doesn’t it?  Millions of people have adopted organic foods for many of their main diet staples.  Consuming naturally grown products can be good for one’s health and these products continue to grow in popularity.  It may not seem like anything could go wrong between the farmer’s field and the retailer’s shelf, but beware: organic foods can be tainted by outside forces if not handled and stored properly and according to FDA regulations.

Choosing the right organic food warehouse partner and 3PL is a good start.  Read our paper: “Choosing a 3PL for food distribution.”

Organic Certification
It all starts with the farmer being properly certified and adhering to regulations and standards set down by the FDA.  These rules carry over to cover the transportation and safe organic food storage while they make their journey to the ultimate consumer.  A few things to consider when choosing an organic food warehouse:

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Weber Recognized as Top Temperature Controlled Warehouse 3PL

Dec 11, 2013 / by Weber Logistics posted in Warehouse operations, weber logistics news, Temperature Controlled Warehousing


World’s Trade Magazine’s December 2013 issue on “America’s Top 3PLs” named Weber Logistics to its TOP TEN list of 3PLs focused on temperature controlled warehouses and supply chains.  The magazine’s editors called out Weber’s systematic monitoring of temperatures, in the warehouse and in trucks, to ensure cold chain integrity for food, beverage and confectionery products.  See the write-up on page 60 of the magazine. 

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