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August 27, 2020
Looking for a Warehouse in Stockton, CA? Smart decision.
With its huge and growing population, California often serves as a key location for a company’s overall distribution operations. It’s usually Southern California – with its bright lights and huge...
August 8, 2019
What shippers should know about driver misclassification by California drayage carriers
With the state supreme court’s Dynamex decision, followed by its Senate Bill 1402 (SB 1402), California’s position on the hiring of independent owner-operators by drayage carriers is now firmly...
March 28, 2019
Understanding the Impact of the California Truck and Bus Regulation
California may be the Golden State, but its green initiatives are the most far-reaching in the U.S. The state has a host of agencies and regulations whose aim is to substantially reduce greenhouse...
October 25, 2018
Finding the Optimal California Warehouse Space for Your Products
California. A very big state with a very big population. In fact, it’s the largest consumer market in the U.S. and thus a very sensible place to have a distribution center. Making California even...
August 23, 2018
FROM PORT TO MARKET: How to Speed Distribution of Asian Imports to West Coast Ports
There’s a new supply chain mantra in the post-Amazon era, and that mantra is SPEED. Whether you are delivering to retailers or consumers, or both, customers want products faster in a more predictable...
June 28, 2018
Location and Cost Make Central Valley Logistics a Win-Win
California’s Central Valley consists of all or part of 19 counties in the center of the state – extending from Bakersfield in the South up near Redding in the north. It’s home to the state capitol of...
May 24, 2018
Advantages of the Port of Oakland for Import Freight
Just as Hollywood blockbuster films get more notoriety than independent films, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach tend to get all the attention when it comes to the movement of inbound container...