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May 31, 2023
West Coast Supply Chain News Brings Cautious Optimism
Around this time last year, every article about the West Coast supply chain painted a dire picture. There was an armada of ships waiting to enter the Ports of L.A. and Long Beach; there was no...
July 14, 2022
The importance of 3PL inventory management in 2022
The supply chain environment has seen incredible change over the past few years, from panic buying to supply shortages to historic inflation surges. These changes have all had a profound impact on...
May 26, 2022
Coping with higher warehouse costs
Warehousing costs are sky high at the moment and aren’t likely to decline anytime soon. Companies will need to address this added cost burden, but how? In this article, we’ll examine the current...
May 12, 2022
Supply Chain Growth in a Challenging Market: A Conversation with Weber’s CFO, Maggie Movius
Weber Logistics’ CFO Maggie Movius has been busy. She’s navigated a worldwide pandemic, a partnership between Weber and Stellex Capital Management, and a doubling of Weber’s warehousing footprint in...
March 17, 2022
Q&A: Why is it impossible to find California warehouse space?
The quest for California warehouse space is more challenging than ever. Whether you’re partnering with a 3PL or looking to secure space on your own, you’re going to need deep pockets, perseverance, a...
December 12, 2019
What is Contract Warehousing and When is Your Operation Ready for it?
When your business is growing, shared warehousing with a third-party logistics provider (3PL) enables you to scale your warehousing investment to match your order volumes. Need more or less space?...
July 11, 2017
Reduce Warehouse Labor Costs By Paying Workers More!
How can you reduce warehouse labor costs by paying more to warehouse workers?Simple: Don’t pay everyone more, just the peak performers.
October 2, 2016
Utilizing Data to Lower Warehouse Rates
We all know how the story goes when it comes to finding the lowest price, “you get what you pay for” they say. Wouldn’t it be nice for once to pay less for great quality! When it comes to...
March 10, 2016
Find the Best Warehouse Pricing the First Time Around
When the search begins for a 3PL, we evaluate and consider many things. One of the make or break factors includes pricing. Now, do you want a rate generated on the spot or are you willing to wait...
October 22, 2015
Searching beyond the Digital Surface to find the Right Partner
Technology we love it! Right? Well, when it comes to the dating world, not quite. The days of courtship, chivalry and face to face interaction are not long gone, but they are rare. Dating today can...